July 30, 2010

"Green Ambassador" Final Words

It's about how to save our planet from global warming.

Why?? cause not just ME stay in this planet there are YOU, THEM, OUR KIDS AND MANY BEAUTIFUL THING.

so come on let's save OUR PLANET!!

What old is new again (part 2)

                        Let's Recycle Paper:-)


July 29, 2010

Garbage enzyme in school

Garbage enzyme, our 'Trash2Treasure' solution made from household fruit waste as we are aware has multiple application. Among which are used as fertilizer for vegetation. Both the enzyme solution and fruit residue are suitable.

We introduced it to our school canteen lady and her staff to help them understand that this solution can be used for several cleaning-up job such as floor, table tops, kitchen work top etc. It's mild acidity, serves as a disinfectant against virus and bacteria. In short, we shared with them all the goodness of garbage enzyme  especially the green effects to our environment (Read our Garbage to riches-part 2).


The school canteen lady and her staff made a green choice today, taking a simple step to join us in our mission by choosing garbage enzyme, an awesome alternative solution to protect the environment and minimise their carbon footprint on our beloved home-EARTH. It is going to be a continuous challenge for all of us. Lets not lose sight nor give up- for 'A greener tomorrow begins with you today!'

What old is NEW again (Part 1)

      A nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.
   Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air 
            and giving fresh strength to our people
                             ~Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Report from The Environmental Paper Network 2007:- 
 If  the United States used 10% less office paper, it would cut emissions by 1.6 million tons (about 280,000 cars off the road for one year)
We throw out tons of paper everyday.Generally, natural resources become less as more people live on this earth because more people take up more space and the rate at which resources are used up is faster than they can be replenished.
Take a look at the trees for example. Trees take years to  grow  but it can be cut dowin just minutes! Although paper may decompose in a landfill but as it sits there, it releases methane which is a harmful greenhouse gas.

Many people think that it is hard to recycle. They think that it takes a lot of time to recycle...perhaps they do not understand how. It is good for the environmental. It reduces energy need..Recycling protects the climate and resources on the earth. It reduces energy need to make new paper.

Follow through and learn one of our team's best kept secret  "What old is NEW again Part 2"

July 28, 2010

Derma / kitar semula pakaian lama anda!

Pada minggu lepas, kami telah meminta semua murid untuk membawa pakaian lama mereka ke sekolah. Hari ini, murid-murid telah membawa sekurang-kurangnya seorang satu pakaian lama mereka ke sekolah. Mereka telah sedar akan kebaikan mengitar semula walaupun hanya sehelai kain buruk. Jika pakaian itu dibuang begitu saja, ia amat membazirkan. Pakaian-pakaian yang mereka bawa itu telah diderma kepada penduduk-penduduk Beserah yang memerlukannya. Kami berasa bangga kerana bukan saja dapat menyelamatkan bumi tetapi dapat membantu orang miskin...

Kempen Guna "Reusable bags"

Semasa perhimpunan sekolah, cikgu kami telah menggalakkan semua murid untuk menggunakan 'reusable bags' atau beg yang diperbuat daripada kain kanvas. Pada masa kini, terdapat ramai murid yang menggunakan beg plastik untuk mengisi bekalan makanan, baju sukan dan buku kecil ke sekolah. Penggunaan beg plastik  yang banyak ini adalah tidak baik untuk bumi hijau kita. Pada hari ini(27 Julai 2010) semua murid telah menggantikan beg plastik kepada beg kanvas. Sambutan ini amat menggalakkan dan kami berharap ia akan berterusan......

“Green Ambassadors” Showtime

We, the “Green Ambassadors” put up a presentation ‘Love is Green’ in our school. We performed songs about Save the earth. Apart from that, we also gave a poem that was ‘I don’t want to see the Earth die’. 
The objective of this presentation was to give awareness to the students in our school. The students were very excited with our presentation. The students were made aware of BPmyscience challenge and the green activities we did in our school. Even though the final BPmyscience challenge is in August 2010, we hope to continue our mission together with our schoolmates to learn of ways we can reduce our carbon footprint and to save our beloved earth. Only by taking a few easy steps, I'm sure we can..

July 27, 2010

Say No to Plastics !

In conjunction with our Go Green - BP My science project, today, all students brought their own mugs to school. The intention is to reduce or eliminate the use of plastic drink-bags, straws and styrofoam food containers, and paper cups which are easily available from the school canteen.


As we are aware, food containers made from styrofoam and plastic materials take hundreds of years to decompose. And in the process of decomposition, toxins will be released into the environment. As for paper cups, more trees will be sacrificed. And thus, these will be a reduction in our earth's green lung.  Therefore, our quality of air will be affected.

My school teachers in school praised our initiative in helping Mother Earth.

Why solar cookers were invented?

Watch this video to learn about how and why solar cookers were invented.

Solar Cooking is one of the most ingenious ways to reduce carbon footprint. Will you do your part?

Procedure for Cooking Egg using the Solar Cooker

Procedure for Cooking Egg using the


Crack an egg into a black pan
Cover the pan with a glass lid
Place the pan into a transparent plastic bag and tie the bag tighly with a string
Place the pan on the Solar Cooker
                                      Video : Procedure for Cooking Egg using the Solar Cooker



50 g rice
50 – 80 ml water

Cover the black pan with a lid

Place the pan into a transparent plastic bag and tie the bag tightly with a string


Place the pan on the Solar Cooker          

Video : Procedure for cooking rice using the Solar Cooker


The Green Poster Competition

On Thursday, 22nd July 2010, the Green Ambassadors launched a poster competition in our school. We chose the title “Recycle and Go Green”.


The year 4, 5 and 6 pupils participated in this competition held at the school canteen at 4.30pm. It ended at 6pm. We are happy that the competition was well received.

We would like to thank our headmaster for his support and our four teachers who had helped us oversee the event.

Run fans instead of air conditioning~

We use energy from different sources. Most of the energy used come from non-renewable sources, e.g. petroleum and coal. We must use these sources of energy wisely in order to make sure there is enough energy in future, save cost, avoid wastage and reduce pollution.

Our school is using electrical fans instead of air-conditioner. Our aim is to save energy and reduces pollution in the air. We are glad that all the students of SJK(C) Kong Min did their parts to help to save electricity and water in school and also at home.

July 26, 2010

A Better Future

The STAR of this video is the SOLAR COOKER!

Wonderful news to all children: The Solar Cooker doesn’t use fuel so there is no danger of starting a fire!

So far, we have cooked:

You may say “seeing is believing”, so make your own Solar Cooker today!



SOLAR COOKER from recycled materials

The solar cooker costs next to nothing if you use only recycled materials to construct it. Isn’t that awesome?